Part of the Happiness Project is coming up with ones on 12 commandments. These 12 commandments are to help when I am struggling to keep my resolutions. I’ve always been one to latch onto wise words of wisdom and quotes, but I’ve struggled to narrow all these thoughts down to 12. Maybe that’s why there are also the Secrets of Adulthood.
Since I’m a musical theater nerd I’ve always been drawn to the wise words of song and dance. You can’t get any happier than jazz hands right?
Melissa’s 12 Commandments for Life (a work in progress)
- I don't care. I don't care. What people may think of me.
- Everyone makes mistakes oh yes they do. Everyone makes mistakes so why can't you?
- Always look on the bright side of life.
- No day but today.
- Forget your troubles, come on get happy
- Everyone goes down well with beer
- Defy gravity
- Any dream will do
- Children will listen
- Happiness is anyone and anything at all that's loved by you.
- I'm fat. That's that.
- Be Gretchen.
- Let it go.
- Act the way I want to feel.
- Do it now.
- Be polite and be fair.
- Enjoy the process.
- Spend out.
- Identify the problem.
- Lighten up.
- Do what ought to be done.
- No calculation.
- There is only love.
Four Splendid Truths
First: To be happier, you have to think about feeling good, feeling bad, and feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth.
Second: One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself.
Third: The days are long, but the years are short.
Fourth: You’re not happy unless you think you’re happy.
Secrets of Adulthood
- The best reading is re-reading.
- Outer order contributes to inner calm.
- The opposite of a great truth is also true.
- You manage what you measure.
- By doing a little bit each day, you can get a lot accomplished.
- People don’t notice your mistakes and flaws as much as you think.
- It's nice to have plenty of money.
- Most decisions don't require extensive research.
- Try not to let yourself get too hungry.
- Even if you think they're fake, it's nice to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day.
- If you can't find something, clean up.
- The days are long, but the years are short.
- Someplace, keep an empty shelf.
- Turning the computer on and off a few times often fixes a glitch.
- It's okay to ask for help.
- You can choose what you do; you can't choose what you LIKE to do.
- Happiness doesn't always make you feel happy.
- What you do EVERY DAY matters more than what you do ONCE IN A WHILE.
- You don't have to be good at everything.
- Soap and water removes most stains.
- It's important to be nice to EVERYONE.
- You know as much as most people.
- Over-the-counter medicines are very effective.
- Eat better, eat less, exercise more.
- What's fun for other people may not be fun for you--and vice versa.
- People actually prefer that you buy wedding gifts off their registry.
- Houseplants and photo albums are a lot of trouble.
- If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough.
- No deposit, no return.