Friday, June 3, 2011

Goodnight My Someone

First: bodily enery.

I don't have much trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, but I don't want to jinx myslef, or set myself up for failure by saying this isn't something I need to work on.

Millions of people fail to get the recommend seven to eight hours of sleep, and one study revealed that a bad night's sleep was on of the top two factors that upset people's daily moods.  Another study suggested that getting one extra hour of sleep each night would do more for a person's daily happiness than getting a $60,00 raise!

I love sleep!  I love to dream.  I would sleep an entire day away if I got the chance, however life often gets in the way of that ever happening.  For this resolution my goal is to be be in bed at a decent hour (before 10pm) and up by 5am on the weekends for an early morning workout.  I want to create a routine that puts me to sleep.  Something that let's my body know it's bedtime.

I am a big time napper.  Love them.  I typically will take a nap everyday.  When I'm at work I have a great nap set up in the back of my car.  Sunsheilds, bedding and a safe quite garage to sleep in.  It's only embarrassing when someone sees me climbing out of my back seat.  I look forward to this nap everyday.  I find it is a quit jolt of energy to get me though the rest of the day.

I really want to redecorate my bedroom and create more of an oasis for relaxation.  I love when things are clean.  I have a really hard time going to bed when I know the sheets haven't been washed, or if there is a lot of clutter around.  It bugs me.  We also have 2 dogs that love to be on the bed.  I've been working really hard at training them to stay down, but every morning little Sadie climbs into be with Timmy the second I'm out of the room.  She loves to play on the bed and will often make a bee line for the back yard to the bed.  I will often sleep in my spare room where I don't have to fight with dogs, dirt, or sharing the blankets.  My hope is that my newly remolded room with create more of an oasis that both my husband and I will take better care of.

Bottom line: In bed by 10pm up by 5am. Create at routine. Make my room a retreat. 

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