Thursday, June 7, 2012

Alcohol & Me

The same great friend that sent me the wonderful article on friendship I posted back in February sent me another wonderful piece about alcohol.  

Recently I hit rock bottom with my drinking habit.  One horrible night, I am completely embarrassed about made me turn a 180.  I have given drinking up completely.  A lot of people wrote off my comment as a joke.  They would say "Oh, you will drink again.  It was just bad night."

This past incident was more to me than just a bad night.  It wasn't until I spoke with my sister that I was resolute in my decision not to drink.  She told me, "It's not that I will never drink again.  I just need to find the balance.  Right now I just don't know when to stop or how to limit myself."

That couldn't ring truer in my case.  I had become out of control and it's time to find my way back to a normal, balance way of social drinking.

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